Owner Builder Work Sites

Owner builder work sites require First Aid. Your home or property becomes your workplace while constructing. You can have the safest workplace practices in place, but there are no guarantees that people will be safe from physical injury or illness in life. If an accident or ill fortune occurs, preparation is critical.

Check in your state or territory if it is mandatory for the owner builder or site supervisor to have a first aid qualification. Owner Builder Coach strongly recommends that the site supervisor has a Level 2 First Aid qualification. Your contractor insurance checklist should include a list of First Aid training for subcontractors; they are their employers.

Why First Aid Is Essential for a Safe and Successful Job

You will likely be in chaos when you are on site frequently, untrained, and an incident occurs.

A trained owner builder site supervisor in First Aid can save a life and handle emergencies.

If you perform any basic lifesaving techniques while waiting for an ambulance, the odds of the person surviving double.

In several situations, knowing First Aid can be helpful.

Pain can be relieved through basic actions such as an ice pack, which can relax the patient until help arrives.

It is essential to know what to do in situations such as snake or spider bites, stopping blood flow due to a minor or significant cut, and strapping an ankle that has been twisted.

Having First Aid training in an emergency will increase your ability to provide effective and immediate care.

How to Use First Aid Properly on an Owner Builder Site

In any work environment, there are always potential risks for injury. That’s why having a First Aid kit on hand is essential as knowing how to use it properly. Here are some tips for using First Aid on an owner builder site:

  1. Be familiar with the contents of your First Aid kit and know how to use them.
  1. Always follow the instructions on any medication you’re using.
  1. If possible, have someone else administer First Aid.
  1. Call 000 or your local emergency number immediately if the injury is serious.
  1. Keep the injured person calm and comfortable until help arrives.

Tips for Creating a Safe Work Environment

When working on an owner builder work site, it’s important to take precautions to ensure everyone’s safety. First Aid is essential for treating any injuries that may occur, so be sure to have a well-stocked first aid kit on hand. Here are some other tips for creating a safe work environment:

  • Mark all hazards and warning signs.
  • Oversee trades wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Keep the work area clean and free of clutter.
  • Inspect tools and equipment before use.
  • Enforce safety rules and regulations.
  • Have a designated person responsible for safety on site.

Following these tips can help create a safe work environment for everyone on your owner builder work site.


The construction of owner builder work sites is a complex and potentially dangerous task. Safety should always be the priority, so having an excellent First Aid kit on site is essential for any successful job. Not only will it help ensure that any minor injuries are taken care of quickly, but it can also prevent more serious incidents from occurring by providing quick medical assistance. When it comes to building your own home or smaller project, ensure you have all the necessary safety precautions before starting – including a well-stocked First Aid kit!

If you need do First Aid training St Johns Ambulance Australia has a nationally recognised course.

Require more assistance? Please email us at [email protected], or fill in the contact form.


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